Sunday, December 9, 2012

Vista de Toledo

"Vista de Toledo" is one of the two surviving landscapes that "El Greco" has painted. This picture makes "El Greco" be the first landscaper in the history of Spanish art.
Because of the enigmatic symbolism it shows, it is tought that it was related to the mystic spirit that the city involved during those times.
On the background we can see "El Greco's" representation of Toledo. All, the cathedral and the rest of buildings are painted in light grey, what contrasts with the sky. On the foreground we can see the river and some hills.
It's easy to see the different colour contrasts among all the elements in the picture. It should be pointed out the contrast of the sharp colour of the sky and the hills below. Because of this contrast, the sky is considered one of the best representations of the western art. We can also see contrasts between the dark colours of the river and the light greens of the fields.
I really like this picture because of the diferent contrasts and also, because of "El Greco's" courious representation of Toledo.


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